Gravatar, tags and text color issues

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    I just purchased The Parisian theme and I have a few issues.
    My website is:

    1, My gravatar doesn’t show my profile pic or my profile on The Parisian theme even though it is set to “Yes”.

    2, How can I control the slider to show only specific posts or to stop automatically fading in between featured posts?

    3, How can I hide the tags next to the posts? It looks crowded and distracts from the blog post.

    4, I changed the theme colors, however the text color is still that awful brown color. I’d like to change all the text color to black, but how can I do that?

    I’m aware that for question 3 and 4 there can be CSS options but not familiar and the forum was not much help. Is there a way to just download the original theme stylesheet so that I can look at it and modify it? If not can someone please give me the correct CSS code to make all the text on the theme black and also to make all the post tags invisible?


    The blog I need help with is

    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    Hi there, I’ll be glad to help with your issues. I’ll answer them separately here.

    1, My gravatar doesn’t show my profile pic or my profile on The Parisian theme even though it is set to “Yes”.

    The theme pulls the Gravatar connected to the site owner’s email, which is the one entered under Settings > General:

    You can either:

    1) Change that email so it matches the one already on your Gravatar account, or;

    2) Connect that second email to your existing Gravatar account:


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    2, How can I control the slider to show only specific posts or to stop automatically fading in between featured posts?

    The theme looks at the 10 most recent posts, and includes in the slider any posts that have a featured image assigned to them that’s at least 1440px wide by 600px tall.

    There aren’t options for changing the fading behaviour.


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    3, How can I hide the tags next to the posts? It looks crowded and distracts from the blog post.

    You can hide the tags next to the post by adding this CSS code under Customize > CSS:

    .tags-links {
    display: none;

    If you’d like to hide both tags and categories, you would add this CSS instead:

    .tags-links, .entry-meta .post-categories {
    display: none;


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    Is there a way to just download the original theme stylesheet so that I can look at it and modify it?

    You can also view your CSS in a few different ways:

    1) Using a web inspector tool like Firebug for Firefox. Here are some excellent tips on using web inspector tools.

    2) Using a browser addon like the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox. (Chrome version also available.) Head under CSS > View CSS.


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    4, I changed the theme colors, however the text color is still that awful brown color. I’d like to change all the text color to black, but how can I do that?

    The brown colour you’re referring to may be #582B10. I had a look at your CSS using the Web Developer Toolbar I mentioned above to locate which IDs and classes are using that colour.

    You can try adding this to your custom CSS to override those styles with black instead:

    .hentry { color: #000 !important; }
    #comments { color: #000; }
    #footer-sidebar-toggle:before { color: #000; }
    .site-footer,.site-info a,.site-info a:visited { color: #000; }
    #infinite-footer .blog-info a:hover,#infinite-footer .blog-credits a:hover,#infinite-footer .blog-info a,#infinite-footer .blog-credits a,#infinite-footer .blog-credits,#infinite-footer .container { color: #000; }
    .site-header { background-color: #000; }
    .home .site-header { background-color: #000; }
    .home .site-header:hover { background-color: #000; }
    .site-footer { color: #000; }
    .site-info a { color: #000; }
    #footer-sidebar-toggle.toggle-on:before { color: #000; }
    #infinite-footer .container { color: #000; }
    #infinite-footer .blog-info a,
    #infinite-footer .blog-credits a,
    #infinite-footer .blog-credits {
    color: #000;
    #infinite-footer .blog-info a:hover,
    #infinite-footer .blog-credits a:hover {
    color: #000;

    Keep in mind that any CSS added under Customize > CSS overrides the existing CSS. Because of the way CSS inheritance works, sometimes you may need to add !important just before the semicolon to have it take effect on your theme, as you can see in the first line of code just above.

    Just let me know if you need further help.



    Thank you for your thoughtful and prompt responses.

    I appreciate them very much.

    I still have two questions though.

    1, The CSS code for changing the all of the website’s text color to black is missing a part because the menu on the bottom is still brown. Also, the widget wheel is brown too and some texts are brown as well on the widgets such as recent posts in the drop down widget area. Can you also add and/or correct that in the CSS that you just sent me? I would appreciate it.

    2, I know that if there’s no featured image then it won’t show up in the home page featured slider. I also know that I can add custom headers to single posts and pages. I was wondering if there’s a solution to have a separate header for the single posts and pages without them showing up on the home page slider because since the headers are only 200 in height as opposed to 600 on the single posts and pages, they look messy… I’m aware that I can even remove the site title and social network icons but then my gravatar and all that disappears from the home page too… Any ideas or suggestion to come up with a solution for this issue?

    Thanks for your patience and help so far.


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    Thank you for your thoughtful and prompt responses.

    I appreciate them very much.

    You’re very welcome.

    1, The CSS code for changing the all of the website’s text color to black is missing a part because the menu on the bottom is still brown.

    Ah, that’s a different brown, it’s #945C46 – you can see it using Firebug.

    This should override it:

    .site-footer, .site-footer a, .site-footer a:hover .site-footer a:visited {
    color: #000 !important;

    The widget gear icon was the same #945C46 – you can try this:

    #footer-sidebar-toggle:before {
    color: #000 !important;


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    I was wondering if there’s a solution to have a separate header for the single posts and pages without them showing up on the home page slider

    It’s not really possible to have a different image show in the two different places; the theme is constructed to display the same image in both spots, so the best thing to do is probably find images that work well at both the taller and smaller size.

    I’m aware that I can even remove the site title and social network icons but then my gravatar and all that disappears from the home page too…

    I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to here – would it be possible to explain further what you would be trying to achieve with this, and possibly take a screenshot so I can see what you mean?

    Here’s a guide on how to make a screenshot, if you’re not sure:

    You can upload the screenshot – in a graphic format like JPG, PNG, or PDF – in your Media Library, and provide a link so I can see it, or upload it with a service like Droplr or Imgur. Thanks!


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    One workaround I thought of and just tested is that you could “cover up” the featured image on the single post with a flat colour instead of an image, by adding some CSS. For example, this would get you a thin black strip at the top, instead of the post’s featured image, on your CV post, and still allow you to set a more graphical featured image which will show up on the slider:

    .postid-8651 .site-branding-wrapper, .postid-8651 .site-branding-wrapper:hover {
    background-color: #000;

    To work on other pages, you would need to repeat this code block, replacing 8651 with the post ID in question. You can grab the post ID by looking for the number in the address bar when you’re editing the post:

    Let me know if you have any questions about this method.



    This is what I meant to say:

    On single posts and pages, my custom header is displayed as a narrow strip at the top, behind the site title, tagline and social network icons.

    If I don’t want to have these things overlay on top of the header on single posts and pages, I am aware that I can remove them by going to:

    Appearance > Header > Unchecking “Show header text with my image”

    The problem is that it would also remove the site title, tagline and gravatar icon profile on the home page too.

    I was wondering if there’s a way to separate these two and remove the site title, tagline only on the single posts and pages.

    Thank you.



    I just saw your previous response and that should probably work for my both issues. The only questions is that what CSS code would I need to apply to cover up the featured image if it is on a single page or a category?


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    I was wondering if there’s a way to separate these two and remove the site title, tagline only on the single posts and pages.

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Yes, you can hide the site title and tagline on just single posts and pages, using CSS. Single posts all have the class .single while pages all have the class .page, which means we can hide their site title and description by targetting them like this:

    .single .site-title, .single .site-description, .page .site-title, .page .site-description {
    display: none;


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    I just saw your previous response and that should probably work for my both issues. The only questions is that what CSS code would I need to apply to cover up the featured image if it is on a single page or a category?

    You can apply similar code to either of those. For all category pages:

    .category .site-branding-wrapper, .category .site-branding-wrapper:hover {
    background-color: #000000;

    For all pages:

    .page .site-branding-wrapper, .page .site-branding-wrapper:hover {
    background-color: #000;

    If you wanted to target particular pages or categories, you’d need to locate the unique page or category ID.

    The page ID would be something like this:

    .page-id-NNN – use that instead of .page – where NNN is the ID number taken from the address bar when editing the page.

    The category ID would be something like this:


    You can get the category ID by clicking the Edit link below the category in question under Posts > Categories. You’ll see the ID in the address bar.



    Everything works. All issues are resolved.

    Thank you very much!

    I appreciate all your patience, help and professional talent Kathryn!

    Have a great day! :)


    Kathryn P.
    Happiness Engineer

    Wonderful – glad you’re all set.

    I’m going to close this thread and mark it as resolved but feel free to start a new one if you need anything else.

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